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January 03, 2022 1 min read

Due to their exposure to cancer causing toxins (carcinogens) when fighting structure fires, firefighters are 9% more likely to be diagnosed with cancer and 14% more likely to die of cancer than the general population. 

This is due to carcinogens found in everything from building materials and paint to household cleaners and plastics that burn throughout the home during a fire.

When burned, the particles from these items end up on firefighters’ skin and in their lungs, increasing their risk of developing cancer.

While this is a tragic problem for some of our most valued first responders, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the risks.

A few of the things firefighters do to reduce their risks of getting cancer is wearing all of their protective gear when fighting a fire, using decontamination wipes on the exposed areas of their skin after a fire, and showering with products developed specifically to remove these carcinogens from their bodies once they get back to the station.

January is National Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month and if you'd like to do something to help the firefighters in your area reduce their risk of getting cancer, visit flamedecon.com/community.

Photo Courtesy Fire Dog Photos